Bright Dream
The pull of good brings in the dark ... The dark marries dark and is unbound his soul is dammed repelled by our Lord ..
Prayers replaced by numbers a soulless tribe of fornicators...the pure light a sword they can't tolerate.. They are dammed after this life
Finally the door to the bright bright room opened and stood the two Angels of God ... Their wrath and readied punishment to be served
They stand pointing in my direction and point the way for me to see .. It's been the liar all along who rides the eye to see
I cannot save the misery for what was there once is gone and he'll burns under his skin .. He will die alone to the soulless void
He is taking his family along ... They are the cursed souls to wonder after this earth is no more ...
I am not meant to battle ..For all he was is gone the Angels close the huge door to the bright bright room " he lives on this earth no more
The dreams stopped when his soul burned from with in
It's like I woke today and I knew ... Where the dreams came from " The Move" continues
His mother accepts this great sin she burns under her skin and will walk the void forever
I woke today and I just knew
I cannot sense those who's souls are dead ... They are in the grey void
The isolation of the dammed as they enter the void ...for this worlds greed they dive into the fire pit .
Evil wants the light to cleanse their perversions of a life spent dammed. The light the prize to take a clean soul down they rise up in hell
The dark evil has no loyalty nor any shared with them as they start the void as demons. They are the base of fire pit yet they don't know
What more a prize for their slave master than a child protected by the Angels of the Savior ?White horses ride in a single pair swords drawn
The ageless face kneels in front of the bright light as she is shown the riders . She cannot raise her eyes to the clean light tears fall
The wind pulls her forward to drop to hands the energy force surge into her tiny hands. She cannot save him from the judgement made
This too shall pass from your heart and your misery will end this day ... Wake from this dream strengthen as the Angels of retribution ride
She slowly stands " this test of Faith was made for all to be judged grieve not for they fully choose their void at your expense.
You are free
I woke today I knew it's over I am free and I am more beautiful today more than before. I woke and I was healed in all Glory there is God
I cannot sense those with out souls
The demons whisper " no not me " as the swords drawn swiping in their direction and the house shook from its foundation. They cried "not me"
In my head the words are there every thought dream desire ... Fornication that sends my soul to hell .. It burns me in my dreams.
I have to wait for the time to write. Everything has a time
In Mallard Cove is a door .... What I saw there lives.
Soul travel. The night speeds by my closed eyes as I think of my haunted places .. I ran now I have to return to fight for a trapped soul
The dead don't always know they are ,.. Dead and some live to just to die and others won't accept the reality of their death ....I am afraid
The circus of hell visited long ago in a bloody slash of red color as I spun downward in a black elevator ... A bloody barber .. Laughing
The daughter of an Irish 7th sight ... It's passed on .... We have to die to be able to see
I have to wait for the time to write. Everything has a time
In Mallard Cove is a door .... What I saw there lives.
Soul travel. The night speeds by my closed eyes as I think of my haunted places .. I ran now I have to return to fight for a trapped soul
The dead don't always know they are ,.. Dead and some live to just to die and others won't accept the reality of their death ....I am afraid
The circus of hell visited long ago in a bloody slash of red color as I spun downward in a black elevator ... A bloody barber .. Laughing
The daughter of an Irish 7th sight ... It's passed on .... We have to die to be able to see