seeing so much more sickness covid19 at hospital maternity so many more miscarriages much sorrow it's a waiting game until it is another's turn to get sick and die cause that is the reality of my world ......
yeah look around the world to support something that doesn't even touch your life and ignore the life death struggle some of living through and then blame us when we are not what you think we should be ??? the problem is not me it is dead behind the eyes people like you some of us battle to maintain another's future at the expense of our own, and stupid shallow shit that used to matter does not anymore, some of us are REAL warriors while OTHERS pretend. #Nurses2020 slow motion camera .... as the nurses enter the hospital geared up for the battle of the unseen monster who kills us, to care for people who probably most likely unfortunately might die, pressing our N95 tighter into our faces that now have battle scars, no we are not OK go on and support people that don't touch your life so far away from having to put the effort here while we drown, and grab for life in any way we can, and ask us why, and mock our pain, just be you, it's ok Because alone is where you left me, here let me help your lazy ass I open the door so your shallow self can walk through it, I don't think I will miss you cheers I live with the pain of a mother's face as her newborn is taken away while she adjusts her life to her covid 19 positive status, I feel pain of the knife that just cut out her heart, but hey go ahead and ask me again why I cry.... not the night, drink too much sometimes, alone sometimes I need to hide, because what I face daily as a nurse is just so hard and the only ones who understand are at work. Bravery I have a heart soul full of it sick of stupid shit, who said what, and did what like that even matters? hasn't for a long time as we buried one of our own nurses where were you? where were you to say it would " all be ok" , the world you life in is as fake as your very being I don't hate you I just SEE YOU. camera pulls back..........dimming the people into shadow dancers, so light in color that no one see's them or believes in their struggle to survive, we are shadows of the bravery you do not have inside youurse of I will never be the same, never so I won't try go find your playboy playmate friend fake time I am not the one life is not fair and no one who is a nurse battling this covid19 days knows this I give you back to your illusion of life and this writing is done
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