Hoodie pulled over my head I am no one Yet I am everyone
Pulling myself out of bed early sipping one coffee dressing in work out clothes I look in the mirror "hello world it's me again " carefree I walk downtown towards the gym I think of no one I think of me
slather on suntan lotion feeling the heat enter deep into my skin I want part of me alive again Pulling off the eye stickers meant to protect my eyes I look to see my false eye lashes looking back up at me fuck this fake life where I don't know how to just be me what did I think I would achieve trying to be someone I will never be Tossing the stickers into the trash I make my way to the weight machines this I know this I understand I feel my skin still warm from the fake sun tan machine bed
The city has changed so much as I photograph it's new shaded dimmed vibrance something taps my heartfelt memeories oh I remember I can see I am no one yet I am everyone