To Honor the Beast: The Suicide Room: Part 5:
Jenna in an half wake cycle of sleep mumbled softly ,"stay away from ..who Popi ? Why are you mad ?" She woke fully looking into the dark pulling on her sheer robe the ocean crashing as the wind moaned loudly. Jenna pulled the patio door open to face a rush of sea air it tore away at her silk robe she stood like a beautiful statue. The wind pulled back her hair from her face tears had started to fall and she let them slowly trace a line of wet down her face. She pulled on her army boots then jumping over the railing of her porch easily securing her robe as she landed effortlessly. Running towards cliffs Jenna did not need a light to guide her strides she thought " out run the memories of a forever lost love ." If anyone had seen Jenna at that moment they would have thought her a ghost as her long blonde hair trailing behind her as her legs moved in the strength of specialized training. She ran the coastline like a woman scorned.
The evil that lives inside the beast ate away at his insides and his capacity for empathy . His love for any fellow human being he was more beast than man as he sat in a downtown LA dive bar drinking whiskey thinking about Jenna and how much he hated her at times. Sweet Jenna the nurse of LA so perfect and good resisting who was she to think she was better than anyone ? He wanted to tear that away from her and leave her wounded weak he out down his glass smiking "why didn't he just finished the job when he was in her bed raping her?" Why was he always just a dark image in her dreams as she couldn't see him in real life is anything but disgusting. He paused thinking about how clean she smelled a little bit like a medicine cabinet from her work at the hospital but mostly the ocean as she ran the coastline every day. Jenna did not act like a real grown woman she was almost handicapped by being a small little girl emotionally and that's why he didn't kill her because he couldn't he didn't have the right. She is clean white light which is protected by that innocence, it was that very clean goodness that was his enemy that he wanted to strip away from her and he would just a matter of time.