To Honor the Beast : The Suicide Room: Part 6
The girl behind the counter complains that people are rude the man's brown eyes found her innocent expectation mouth watering .
He mentally shoved the need to bite her fingers off one by one till her soul screamed her desire to enter hell uninvited. He smiled at her.
She had been fvcked many times he took a deep breath and he smirked not so sweet little princess. She stepped back from counter as he passed.
Evil walks tall and straight knows what it takes to make you believe that it comes innocently. Evil makes room in your heart and slowly eats as the beast moved past the crowd in the gym found his prize on the machines in the rear her head buried in a medical journal. He smiled "sweetness" Her headphones on she worked her body to the tune in her head. His heart skipped as he saw her body covered in sweat. His rage starting ..
The music pounding in her ears as she read about the neurotransmissions and the impact of trauma on brain function, she was deep in thought and had not noticed the machine timer had turned off. She slowed down her exercise to a complete stop looked at the timer, " shit how long had she been working out with out timer on?" this would bother her as she need confirmation of distance traveled. Taking the towel from around her neck she wiped her body down as if she was drying off from a shower, her shirt soaked. Her long blonde hair tied in tight bun she gently patted down her face as she stepped off the machine she looked up to see a man looking at her. She looked directly back at him as if to say, " I see your watching and so?" , and it usually worked and the guy usually looked away but not this man and why did he look familiar ? He smiled and nodded at her and there it was his eyes, the big brown seduce you eyes of the guy in church this afternoon. What was he doing here looking at her again ? Great she thought another weirdo just what she needed to finish a long day. She was first to drop her eyes as if to signal ," not interested", at least that was her intention as she walked the opposite way to avoid him. He watched her leave as she moved through the crowded gym he felt nothing but hunger and mild interest in her as a person, he wanted what she was unaware of , what had attracted him, her innocents and hope. He wanted to fvck her but also wanted to get inside her heart, he felt the need to make her totally his.
Jenna was used to men looking at her and thought how different every thing was since her husbands death and how out of place she felt at being a "widow", she hated how it sounded, creepy as if she was waiting for her own death. So many negatives she thought I need to distance myself from my former life or it will become how everyone viewed her, that was in her opinion a "living death". That man from the church and now the gym was a real creeper she sighed as she entered the running path towards her apartment, it was getting late but she felt safe in the small ocean community. She placed her headphones back on and started her three mile run back home, writing her supply list in her head.
She ran her body lean and the running came easily as she had learned to enjoy if from her military days and her thoughts paused "how life changes us", she never regretted her service but was quiet about it almost embarrassed. She was alone now her parents gone, and an only child, she was not lonely enjoying her life but that had not always been true. After her husbands death she suffered greatly and struggled to surface from the depth of despair and grief. She ran effortlessly and felt her body relax into the strides, it was dark on the path and she could hear the ocean rocky coastline a few feet away and then down. She ran onto her porch and unlocked the door pulling off clothing as she ran a hot bath, made tea and thought " this is happy" .
He stood on her porch by the door with inhaling and thinking how good she was and tender hearted sweetness' he grinned at the thought of forcing her to ground and making him splatter inside her mouth as she sucked. He wanted to see her enjoy it and then grieve over it with tears of redemption and have her beg for more, with his thoughts the air around the porch became thick with stillness and stench of hate. Yes he thought I hate her for being so close to goodness that it made every aspect of his being stink with corrupt deviate depravity , as he had been condemned to hell for his sins against mankind and raised up by his father to foul the earth. Evil had a face and he grinned as his eyes turned red he gripped the door handle to push in, he would rape her in her sleep.
He moved effortless almost as if he glided across the floor towards her bed, she lay very still her breathing soft almost like the tender purr of a kitten. He looked around to see dolls, and toys displayed around the room, her legs were exposed and they were firm and detailed from the physical conditioning. He pulled back the quilt she was naked and deep asleep, a medical journal under her arm, she mumbled some words rolled to her left side. He took in the beautiful body and stroked her hip gently, moving her slowly to her back, his hands massaging her legs and lower back, she sighed in her sleep. He went into her dream and found her on a swing joyously laughing, how sweet she really was? He took her into a deeper level of sleep as if to hypnotize her . Her body became limp with the depth of sleep and caressed her breast with his mouth slowly biting then sucking she began to moan, he did not stop his efforts. He pulled her hips towards his and looked at her face, she was almost child like and he wondered "how old was she ?" Pictures were placed around the room of a happy couple on their wedding day, he felt jealousy? He bite down hard on her right nipple "bitch with the happy life", and moved to kiss her mouth in a ravage biting motion, he held back from tearing her throat out. He willed her deeper asleep and she stopped moaning her responses, " you like my roughness but do you know that about yourself yet?" He pulled her to him and thrust into her and he could feel her innocent cleanliness, he kissed her neck almost like a lover, she smelled of ocean clean. He dropped his head there for a moment and remembered that innocents of believing in life. He felt almost peaceful but his hunger knew no such emotion as he then continued to push into her repeatedly, he came inside her and on her and grinned, " look the baby doll is now a mess" he roared inside his head, biting inside her thigh, he tasted her blood and pussy. He felt such goodness as it entered his mouth and traveled down his throat is soothed a fire of hate made it easy to breath and feel compassion? . He licked at her for the longest minutes and forced himself to stop, his face covered in her blood and juices, " she is mine until I say I differently" his eyes red like his fathers. The room became colder and she started to move in a higher level of wakefulness. He pulled away his concentration on her deep sleep interrupted he moved out of the room looking back at her, she was as he had found her, but not really he had raped her violently , she would feel it in the morning. He had her blood on his hands and left some on the door knob as he exited, his marking, his property, simply "his" and left her apartment.